Monday 16 March 2015

Perth v International Arts

I realised after typing the title that normal people read 'v' as 'against', while as a lawyer I read 'v' as 'and'. I thought about changing the title, but I decided to leave it. Mostly because there is a perception that Perth is boring. I disagree.

Recently Perth has been on the international arts map recently when the City of Perth hosted the Giants (puppets from the Royal de Luxe street theatre company).

From my office window. I had an amazing view.
5th floor office if you would like some perspective.
There has been lots more to the Perth Festival. I also saw dragons for Chinese New Year. I didn't get a picture because I am slow and didn't get my phone out in time, and I hadn't been intending on watching any. They just appeared! The have been food markets. And all this follows on from the Fringe Festival.

While the official festival is over, there are still lots of interesting events in Perth. Check out the Perth Festival website for more information. There is a convenient calendar which shows what is on each day.

So whichever way you read Perth v International Arts, I am pretty sure it is a win for Perth!

Have you attended any of the events? If so, let us know what you thought!

Cath xx

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